In-Home Dog Training
Training sessions with you and your pup.
Problem Solving
Starting at $160 for a consultation and $150 for follow up lessons
Just like people, dogs have issues.. and it is completely normal. Did you know that most of the behaviors that annoy us are actually normal dog behaviors? Things like jumping, barking, counter surfing and pulling on leash are all normal behaviors to our dogs and it can be super frustrating to them that we don't appreciate their skills!
Starting with a consultation, we will discuss the issues you are facing, your dog's routine and your expectations. I will then develop a plan to help you and your dog reach those goals together. Our lessons will focus on teaching alternative behaviors which are more socially acceptable to humans as well as ways to help your dog practice things they like in a safe way; like finding a sandbox to dig in like a treasure chest instead of just creating holes all over the yard.
Behavior Modification for aggression, fear, anxiety, reactivity
Starting at $200 for a 1-1.5 hour consultation, follow up lessons starting at $160.00
Sometimes, we all have BIG feelings.. even our dogs. Those big feelings are usually the result of genetics and environment but at times can be dangerous to your dog or those around you. When a dog is reactive to something, they are trying to tell us about those big feelings. Unfortunately for our dogs, humans are not the best at taking subtle hints and they have to escalate to things that really get our attention like barking, lunging, or even biting. Yikes!
We will start with a consultation to explore your dog's history, triggers, daily routine, and any past incidents we don't want to repeat. At the consultation I will observe your dog safely and watch for motivators, frustration tolerance, as well as any additional triggers. During training sessions, we will work on healthier coping mechanisms, reducing fear, anxiety and stress which drive reactivity, and finding fun ways to build your relationship. Especially when your dog has tried to bite or has bitten you, it is critical to repair that bond. We will discuss your goals and how we can try to get there together so you and your dog can enjoy life- I am here to help!
Learning How to Live with People
Starting at $500
Getting a new puppy is a big adventure for everyone and with this program, you can be sure to get all the animals at home started off on the right foot (or paw). Over the course of four sessions, each lasting an hour, your puppy will learn how to focus on you when asked, what to do for attention instead of jumping, start to develop impulse control skills, and begin to learn basics such as ‘sit' and ‘down'. You will learn how to set up the home to succeed at potty training, how to read your dog's body language, and how to communicate clearly- without fear, force, or coercion!
You will receive homework and handouts after every sessions as well as help fitting harnesses and finding toys for enrichment to burn off that puppy energy.
In Home Basic Obedience
Starting at $750
This 6 week course is for people who need to have a more flexible training schedule. We will meet once a week as your schedule provides and work on new cues and training games. You will receive a problem solving booklet and weekly homework. Course includes basic obedience cues, working around distractions and if applicable, working in a distracting environment (at a park, on a walk through your neighborhood, etc.). Starting at $375.00; includes a follow up visit any time after the 6 week course is finished and 10% off a basic obedience class.
Adventure Programs
One on one training, Amanda and your pup.
While on an adventure, your dog will have the opportunity to go for a run or a hike through a park, dog-friendly beach, or even a quick swim. During their adventure, your dog will receive training, treats and socialization.. as well as plenty of exercise! While having fun, your dog will also be learning; the trainer will teach sit, down, stay and come in a new environment.
A consult is required before starting any adventure program with the exception of Homebodies Adventure. If you decide to sign up for an adventure package, 10% of your consult cost will be credited towards the adventure you choose.
Great Adventures and Fitness Adventures may not be available during the winter depending on weather- dogs get cold, too! For all adventure programs, proof of up to date vaccines is required; including Rabies, DHPP, Lepto, and Lyme vaccines. It is highly recommended that your dog be on a heartworm preventative and flea/tick control products as they can be exposed to mosquitos, fleas and ticks during adventures. For information on the importance of vaccines, heartworm prevention, and tick borne diseases, please consult your veterinarian.

Fitness Adventure
Starting at $100
- 2 hour adventure
- personal training during adventure
- pick up and drop off
- notes on your dog's behavior and "fitness"
- pictures and an 'adventure story'
1 adventure: $100
5 adventures: $450
10 adventures: $900

Homebodies Adventure
Starting at $75
- 1 hour adventure
- Pick up and drop off
- Notes on your dog's behavior
1 adventure: $75
5 adventures: $350
10 adventures: $700